Sorry we have been away for 2 weeks. This weeks short podcast is the last in this year's series. We just want to thank everyone for their support over the past 2 months. We couldn't have provided the answers without the questions you asked. We hope you enjoyed it.
If there are any lingering comments or questions then send us an email. If we get enough we might do a quick mail bag next week.
Its been fun.
We hope all the new JET s have a great time when they arrive in Japan next month. July 14th.mp3
Monday, July 16, 2007
Our last podcast.... for now
Posted by
JET 2007 Podcast
4:59 PM
Monday, July 2, 2007
Episode 8 - Driving in Japan
This week we cover a topic that is going to be very important to many of you who will be living in the Inaka; driving in Japan. So fasten your seatbelts as we take you on a tour of the do's and don'ts from driving in Japan. We cover licences, buying and owning a car, shakken, road conditions and what to do after one year when your IDP runs out.
Podcast June 30th.mp3
Posted by
JET 2007 Podcast
5:39 PM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Episode 7 - Cell phones and Orientation
Sorry it has taken us so long to get this latest episode to you. Hopefully the it will be useful to you as we cover all your cell phone questions and we have an argument in Japanese (Colin H was right - it is shomesho!).
We also blow the lid off orientation and Chris has a confession about his first few days in Japan.
Until next week.......
Enjoy 23rd podcast.mp3
Posted by
JET 2007 Podcast
9:27 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Episode 6 :Girls only beyond this point
That right, the podcast this week has been taken over by women. Perhaps only relevant to those of the female sex, this week is a 101 to living in Japan for the girls.
In all seriousness we think that there is loads of useful information in here and we hope our listeners enjoy it.
Guys, by all means have a listen however you might to go chop wood or fix a car afterwards, just to cancel things out.
Remember to email us your questions at
June 14th Podcast.mp3
Posted by
JET 2007 Podcast
8:54 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Mini Podcast: Colins Homestay story
Hey whats up just dropping off a quick story about my time with my host family. Our prefecture arranges host familys on a volunteer basis and Im lucky enough to have a host family who lives in a 400 year old buddhist temple, how cool is that. Even though I made myself look stupid at the home stay family halloween party, I really love my homestay experience and If you get a chance to do one, you should really give it a try!
Colins special podca..>
Posted by
JET 2007 Podcast
8:03 PM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Episode 5 : Learning Japanese
Welcome back to the Jet 2007 Podcast. Thank you to everyone who has subscribed so far. All 1100 of you! That's huge. We are so thankful to our listeners so keep those emails coming in to
This week we chat with much enthusiasm about learning Japanese. Chris, Colin x 2, Brandon and Doug cover methods, books, web resources and throw in a few funny stories to boot.
We quoted some web resources for learning Japanese. The links for those sites are below.
Colin H recommends:
Nihongo jouzu
Chris H recommends:
Jim Breen's Japanese Dictionary Server
Brandon recommends:
The Kanji Site
Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese
Colin J recommends:
Japanese Pod 101
Thanks for listening.
Podcast June 7th
Posted by
JET 2007 Podcast
5:00 PM
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Episode 4: The first day at work
In this our 4th episode we start to broach the massive subject that is being an ALT in Japan. With 7 people in the studio you are going to hear about lots of different experiences from our first days as ALTs. There were perhaps too many of us in the studio! Sorry if we talk over the top of each other.
We also answer some of your email and discuss electronic dictionaries.
This week we broke the 500 mark for subscribers to the podcast. Thanks to everyone who has put us on your itunes podcast list and also thanks to all those people who have sent us email. Keep spreading the word.
If you have a blog then please put the site in your links section.
Also, we know that a lot of current JETs listen in Japan so we are giving you the opportunity to say hi to the new ALTs who are coming to your prefecture before they arrive in Japan. You can do this in a number of ways; by sending us an email which we can read on air, by recording a short audio file and sending us the MP3, or by getting in touch with us to set up a phone call. We'd love to have as many people involved in the show as possible and that shouldn't be limited by where you are in Japan.
We'd especially love to hear from JETs who are in some strange places in Japan. So, if you have an interesting story that you would like to share then get in touch.
Thanks for listening. May 31st.mp3
Posted by
JET 2007 Podcast
7:41 AM